Budgeting Energy for Success


Energy energy everywhere, but not a trickle when I need it the most! 

Do you feel like

  • You are not productive
  • Lack energy when you need it most
  • Physically exhausted, mentally exhausted or both

Not being able to achieve our work-life objectives, other than not having any in the first place, could be because of

  • Lack of energy
  • Poor allocation
  • Inefficient processes or
  • Trying to outperform our installed capacity (Mental or physical)

All of the above can be tackled except TIME. Time is a constant. It cannot be hastened, slowed, reversed or paused.

What is common among great leaders and achievers among us?

I suspect it is the efficient allocation of energy to achieving the best outcomes for the most productive processes that will result in maximising top priority personal objectives.

Absent Minded Scientist

Absent minded scientist

Take the example of great leaders from your country, like say the PM of New Zealand, great military leaders, scientists and others. They all forgo normal chores and devote most of their energy to achieving the outcomes they are now best known to have achieved. Most global leaders start their day at 4 or 5am to get their condensed briefing of world affairs. Take the example of scientist. So many stories we read associate them as “the absent minded professor”, “the mad scientist”, “the eccentric scientist” and the like. Since they are not wealthy cousins of rich politicians they do not have the luxury of a dozen personal assistants to help them get through the day. So they focus on what they need to do and cut our energy losses by not doing regular chores.

I recollect from personal example from a year back. Issues and incidents that now appear to be trivial in the larger scheme of things, had emotionally overwhelmed me. I had reached a tipping point with no energy left for a jog, or even just stroll on the beach. I was like a hung computer where you notice the CPU is unable to process information. Similarly all my energy reserves were diverted to a totally inefficient part of human sustenance. I may as well have been a cabbage.

So how can we allocate out energy reserves to achieve success!

CPU  Utilization

CPU Utilization

What do we do when our computer starts to slow down? Those of us who are computer savvy to some extent would go to the start-up manager or the task manager and shut down un-necessary processes that are consuming large proportion of the CPU’s computing power.  This leaves the CPU enough grunt to do the processes we want it to do.

Some among us are naturally good at energy allocation or have larger than usual reserves of energy (brains, brawns or both). Left to its own devices the body sub-consciously allocates energy for different activities it thinks need attention. It may even park energy reserves as backup. We should take of stock of our objectives and make manual over-rides to energy allocation by the body.

Alternatively we can also plan and invest in increasing our energy reserves. Some people choose to add solar panels to add energy to the electricity grid, others use energy efficient electrical appliances. Some will club similar processes together, as in doing grocery shopping while you are out visiting a friend. For us this could mean eating healthy, exercising regularly to increase stamina, meditating to re-energise our brain (CPU) or altering our processes.

Whether you choose to make efficient energy allocation, increase your energy levels, make changes to processes or combinations of the same. I wish all readers success in achieving what they have chosen to go out and achieve. Life is precious – make the best of what it has to offer.

Energy Rating

Energy Rating

Alofa, Aroha Nui, love from the energy desk in Auckland

Thank You

Rajesh V (Raj)

12 September 2013

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